It has been a very challenging year and we would like to thank everyone for their patience and support. Notwithstanding the COVID roadblocks, we have been able to accomplish a few things:
–in addition to ZOOM meetings, we managed several in-person monthly meetings including a Christmas party;
– we embarked upon an ambitious networking campaign to engage the national Prostate Cancer Support Canada Group, the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation, other Ontario Support Groups, & the Windsor Regional Hospital Foundation. This will set the foundation for spreading the word of our existence to newly diagnosed, provide awareness to the community, and access expert presenters to our future meetings; and
– we raised a record amount of money in support of the local Grow-On campaign.

In the next year we plan to continue our monthly meetings as best as we can. It is our current plan to expand our network to better access the newly diagnosed and to expand our community awareness by bringing our attention to large organizations and events (e.g. large companies, Spitfire games, etc.). As we embark on what are essential objectives of our group, we encourage you to get engaged in our efforts to help those in need and to get the word out for early diagnosis. Some of the current planned events for the new year include:
– monthly meeting on Tuesday 8 February 2022. If COVID allows an in-person meeting at the Hospice, we hope to have an expert presentation as well as a separate womens’ only break-out session;
– participation in the Play for a Cure fundraiser on 7 & 8 April 2022; and
– participation in the Canadian Cancer Society Daffodil fundraising campaign.
Please do not hesitate to contact any of the Steering Committee members for any ideas you might have to improve our group and its mission.
In the meantime, your Steering Committee would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and we hope you have a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year.
Garry W. Loeper, CD, MScEng, PCIP, PMP, PEng
e-mail: gwloeper@gmail.com
cell: (613) 913-4799