About Us

         Our Mission Statement

To help survivors of Prostate Cancer, and their families, lead healthy and productive lives—physically, mentally and spiritually—by offering Fellowship, shared Counselling and Discussions pertaining to updated medical options and a positive mental outlook for treatments. Foster public awareness in all aspects of Prostate Diseases. 
About us

Prostate Cancer Support Windsor/Essex was founded in 1994, as The Windsor Essex Prostate Cancer Support Group (“WPCSG”), by a group of men, diagnosed with prostate cancer, looking for ways to help others cope with this disease. The inaugural meeting was held in the  Windsor office of Dr. Ron Sorensen. Founders of WPCSG were  Don M. Dawson, Andy Iannicello, Mitch Mason, Benny Delimonte, Bill Sherbank and Dr. Sorensen.

Don M. Dawson was our original Chairperson in 1994, followed by Don Sigrist (1995-1998), Mitch Mason (1998-2013), Preston Harris and Germaine Gould, Co-Chairs (2013-2017) and Wayne Zimney (2017-2019).

Andy Iannicello was our first Treasurer, followed by Andy Darmicello (1995-1997) and Jim Lee (1997-2019).

We are a self-help support group of women and men focused on providing education, comfort and support to men and their families dealing with prostate cancer, throughout Windsor and Essex County.

Monthly meetings (excluding January, July and August) are held for new and present members, and can include guest speakers and breakout support sessions for both men and women.

Over the years, we have been able to promote PSA Testing by holding a number of clinics throughout our area, subject to funding being available.

We believe you are entitled know all you can about Prostate Cancer. Be informed and make your own educated decisions regarding your treatment and care.

Recommendations or endorsements for products, treatments or physicians are not given by our group.

A qualified healthcare professional should always be consulted before making medical decisions.


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