October 2018 Support Group Meeting

For our October 2018 Support Group Meeting, we welcomed our Guest Speakers, Dr. Tamara Siddall, Regional Primary Care Lead and Ben Parent, Manager, Cancer Screening & Prevention for our Erie St. Clair Regional Cancer Program. They spoke to us about three organized screening programs in our region (breast, cervical, and colorectal), as well as the new Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) for colorectal screening that will be launched early next year, offering a more user friendly procedure than the Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) that we have been using to date.

Their main message: Take advantage of the programs available.

Speak to your Health Care Professional……GET SCREENED.

The Erie St. Clair Regional Cancer Program is responsible for the quality and delivery of cancer services for the areas of Chatham-Kent, Sarnia/Lambton and Windsor/Essex. It is a network of healthcare professionals and organizations involved in cancer prevention and care. For further information, visit their website:




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