October 10, 2023 Support Group Meeting

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello All

Upcoming Hybrid-Zoom meeting Tuesday 10 October 2023

Dr. Ronald Sorensen will be briefing our group; he is one of our local respected Urologists who was instrumental in establishing our Support Group.  He plans to talk about genetics as a risk factor for Prostate Cancer.  This should prove to be an interesting presentation by an enthusiastic medical professional who is passionate about the success of our group.

We would hope you can join us in person on Tuesday, October 10th @ 7:00 p.m. at Hospice, 6038 Empress St., Windsor, ON. If you’re unable to attend, then please join us on Zoom at this link:


The Prostate Cancer Patient Empowerment Program (PC-PEP)

During our previous meeting on Tuesday 12 September, we were fortunate to have a special presentation on the “Prostate Cancer Patient Empowerment Program”.  PC-PEP is a free comprehensive daily home-based 6-month Patient Empowerment Program offered by Dr. Rob Rutledge, MD, Radiation Oncologist and Dr. Gabriela Ilie, PhD, a Psychology Professor and Scientist at Dalhousie University. If you missed the presentation, you can access the recorded version at this YouTube link:

PC PEP What you need to know and do after a Prostate Cancer Diagnosis – YouTube

We encourage our members to learn more about PC-PEP at this link:

pcpep.org – Patient Education and Empowerment Programs for Prostate Cancer Patients

Outreach Events

On Friday 29 September, we manned an awareness booth at the VistaPrint Health and Wellness Fair; this was well received and we were able to get our message, out to over 200 folks, of the benefits of early detection.  We look forward to other opportunities this fall such as:

·       Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation Grow-On Campaign; and

·       Windsor Spitfire Hockey Game

If you are interested in volunteering for any of these, please let us know.  If you are aware of other community awareness opportunities, please also let us know.

Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation Grow-On Campaign

Grow On Windsor is a local fundraising campaign created by the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation in 2015. The campaign takes place every November in support of cancer awareness, research and treatment for men living in our region. To date, Grow On Windsor has raised more than $1 million and, most importantly, every dollar raised in this region stays local. We have been proud supporters of Grow On Windsor since its inception. We hope you’ll join our team this coming November.

Team Up For Grow On Windsor – YouTube

City of Windsor “Light up in Blue” – 8 to 15 September 2023

As part of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, Prostate Cancer Support Canada had over 130 landmarks across Canada lighting up in blue to bring awareness to the number 1 cancer in men.  Our thanks to The City of Windsor, who also participated in this event at our request.

Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada

Prostate Cancer Support Canada and the BC group amalgamated to continue as “Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada.”  There is a national conference, “Support Hub 2023” scheduled for Support Group leaders on Saturday afternoon, 28 October 2023.  Members are also welcome to join in. Garry will be chairing a break-out session during this conference.  We are looking for a volunteer to help Garry by taking notes to help document a record of discussion.  If you are able to volunteer for a few hours during this Zoom meeting, please let us know.

Other news from PCFC can be found at this link:

Your September 2023 Prostate Cancer Awareness Month Debrief

Prostate Cancer Support Windsor/Essex Baseball Caps and Shirts

Shirts and Baseball Caps, with our embroidered logo, are available for sale. Special thanks to Dr. Sorensen who has managed to sell over 100 of our baseball caps.  In addition to our Awareness Activities at events, selling our baseball caps is proving to be a great way to “advertise” our existence.  We would welcome any ideas on opportunities to sell our baseball caps.


Garry W. Loeper, CD, MScEng, PCIP, PMP, PEng


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