No Support Group Meeting in September

Off Pond Street, Dunstable, Massachusetts

We hope that your summer has gone well, and that you’ve managed to keep the COVID-19 virus at bay. Unfortunately, the September 8th Support Group Meeting is also cancelled, as we are not yet at a point where we’re able to meet each other face to face.

Speaking of Face to Face, don’t forget to support the Hospice of Windsor Essex Face to Face Campaign during the month of September. You can donate online at

September is also Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Our friend Walter Eadie at Prostate Cancer Support Oakville/Mississauga suggests these great opportunities to learn more about many aspects of prostate cancer and its treatment. Feel free to pick and choose what is of interest to you.

Here is what is coming up.

Sept 11th/12th : PCRI Prostate Cancer Patient Conference:

Coming up next weekend. This is a high-quality conference which we can all access on-line this year. Check out the topics and speakers!

Sept 15th : What’s in your pathology report”. Offered by Prostate Cancer Foundation-BC.

Sept 22nd : “Nutrition and Cancer”. Offered by Prostate Cancer Foundation-BC.

Sept 23rd: patient information webinar about robotic-assisted prostatectomy on September 23rd at 5:30pm EST, hosted by Dr Munir Jamal from Credit Valley hospital.

The webinar is free, patients just need to register via this link and join via Zoom. It will last 1h, and will include Dr. Jamal’s presentation of robotic assisted prostatectomy, a patient’s story, as well as time for questions and answers.

Sept 29th : “ Active Surveillance: Why, Who, How and How Not” (Dr. Danny Vesprini)

Sept 29th:  Genomic and Genetic Testing for Active Surveillance Decision Making. Registration for this session is open at

Sept 30th: Next “Awareness Night” from Prostate Cancer Support-Toronto: . Info on HIFU and MRI Fusion Biopsy

Oct 1st: a Webinar entitled “PSMA Imaging in Prostate Cancer: New Developments”

Hopefully, we’ll have a chance to get together soon. We’ll keep you advised as we go forward. Stay well!


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