For our February 2021 Support Group Meeting, we were pleased to welcome our guest speaker, Joannie Jolin, who presented her talk
“My Personal Journey With Medical Cannabis”.
Joannie retired in 1998 after 15-years as a Pyschotherapist in private practice, working with adult survivors of sexual abuse. At age 41, she enrolled at King’s College, The University of Western Ontario, graduating in 1983 with a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work. In 1988 she was accepted at the University of Windsor’s School of Social Work receiving four credits towards a Master’s degree.
Joannie is also a writer and has been published a number of times in The Windsor Star and various newsletters. She self-published a journal, titled “In Her Room” about the passing of Guy’s niece, Nathalie, in 2000 at age 24. She has also written an unpublished journal, “Delight in the Little Things”, about our member, Guy, written while he was recovering from cancer.
Our thanks to Joannie for this informative session.