June 11, 2024 Support Group Meeting

As we approach our summer break, it is a good time to reflect on our accomplishments the past year. It has been a very busy and productive year for us that included the addition of new members, numerous public awareness events, our participation in a major national conference, many networking opportunities, and a few social events.
With respect to new members, we were able to match up those with special needs with others who have gone through and are living with similar challenges.
Most noteworthy has been the enthusiastic participation of Dr. Sorensen, an esteemed local urologist who was instrumental in founding our group several decades ago. He has breathed fresh hope into our group this past year and we hope to continue to enjoy his enthusiasm and energy.
We would like to again welcome all new members; we hope to continue seeing you at our meetings. We remind everyone to pass on the word of our existence to anyone you meet who are impacted by prostate cancer. This word-of-mouth approach has been very effective; please continue!


Tuesday 11 June 2024 Spring Get-Together

The Tuesday 11 June 2024 meeting will NOT be held at the Hospice, but we will instead have a Spring Get-Together at Legion 594 (Howard Ave.). As with our Xmas get-together, this will coincide with that Legion’s bi-weekly $10 all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner; in the past, this has proven to be very successful and affordable. Whereas this spaghetti dinner is open to the general public in the main halls (to the right), the Legion is giving us the “royal” treatment with white tablecloths and will set up an area just for our group in the main bar area (to the left).
The spaghetti dinner opens to the public at 4:30 pm, but the first 30 to 40 minutes get pretty busy. We suggest folks show up by 5:30 when the crowds reduce a bit. Please bring pot-luck desserts, grab your ticket at the door, proceed to the bar area directly or after you grab your pasta. We have some new members, so please try and make it to this event to make them feel welcome.


Please remember that following our Spring Get-Together, we do NOT meet in July or August. However, we remain “Open for Business” and will continue to welcome new members and support any existing members. We will also continue to provide monthly communiques to let you know what is going on.

If you are aware of any company or organization that might want a prostate cancer awareness briefing or our presence at an event, please let us know.
In the meantime, please continue to “advertise” our existence and have a great summer!


City of Windsor Donation to our Group – Following several briefings to City of Windsor Firefighters by Jim and Garry, the City of Windsor sent us a financial donation.
Special thanks to the City of Windsor!

WRH Foundation Golf Tournament – This fundraiser for the new Da Vinci surgical robot machine, was excellent and the organizers were sincerely appreciative of the valuable time given by our volunteers.

Motorcycle Ride for Dad (MRfD)
The Motorcycle Ride for Dad (MRfD) event was amazing as always. It is an exhilarating experience surrounded by hundreds of very enthusiastic bikers. The following Windsor
Star link provides a wonderful summary. Windsor Star ePaper
We received the following sincere thank-you message from the organizers Shane and Cori Miles:
“Thank you for everything your group did for us today. We love your help and we couldn’t have done it without your group. What amazing men!”




Our group and others across Canada’s membership receive significant support from Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada, including:
 Insurance
 The availability of special groups – Active Surveillance Nationwide Support Group, Advanced Prostate Cancer Support Group, GBTQ Prostate Cancer Support Group, Partners In Prostate;
 Assistance with the design of our brochures and ads;
 Availability of regular newsletters, and speakers over ZOOM; and
 Identification of potential speakers, etc.

They have recently announced a fundraising initiative that we should support:
Your participation with this event also helps our group directly as we can receive up to 50% of funds raised by our team to cover approved reasonable expenses relating to our group.
Participate in the Virtual Event:
There will be physical (i.e. in person) events taking place in some locations across Canada but the Windsor/Essex team will be participating in the Virtual Event. This means that you have the flexibility to walk/run whenever and wherever you want and you do not have to do it on Father’s Day. Moreover, you can create your own walking group if you wish or walk alone. The only requirement is if you are participating in the Bingo challenge (activities are printed on the Bingo card when you register) – a picture of the completed card must be sent to PCFC by June 18th.
There are two ways to participate. Both ways include t-shirt and bingo card.
 Pay $35 and receive a tax receipt for $25.
 Raise $100 and participate for free.

If you are interested in donating, please visit our Team Page at the following link: https://gifttool.com/athon/OurTeamPage?ID=1852&AID=4316&TID=30288



Please remember that Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada (www.prostatecanada.ca), does an amazing job and provides significant valuable support to our group and support groups across the country. We encourage you to visit their web-site; it is a mint of information and help that directly helps individuals. The following is a link to their latest monthly newsletter:

Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada (newsletter-archive)

March 12, 2024 Meeting via Zoom Only

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Can You Help Our Local Motorcycle Ride for Dad?

We are asking our members to lend a hand for a few hours on Sunday, May 28th to support this year’s local Motorcycle Ride For Dad, which raises funds in support of the local fight against Prostate Cancer.

Please let us know by responding to winexpcsg@gmail.com if you are willing to help out with some light duties on the day of the ride. Or, you can attend a volunteer information session this coming Saturday, May 20th at Noon at Thunder Road Harley Davidson, 2100 Ambassador Drive, Windsor. Let’s help them help us.

Here are a few details from ride organizers, Cori and Shane Miles:

Crunch time!! Ride Day is approaching and I am getting excited! 

We are hoping that anyone that is going to be doing the traffic/parking meet with us at Thunder Road Harley Davidson this Saturday May 20th at 12:00 noon so that  Shane can go over the lay out of the lot and what he is needing from you. We would love it if all of you can show up so we can go over any last minute questions that anyone may have. 

Signs are in and I will be delivering them this Friday to whoever signed up for them. If you are not home, no worries, I will leave them on your front porch or at your door. 

Saturday May 20th @ 12:00 – this time may change a little bit as we are waiting to hear back from CTV News to do our press release and we would love it if everyone was there. They should be confirming a time with us soon. Please wear any Ride for Dad shirts, hats, etc just incase 🙂

Saturday May 27th from 11am-4pm I am doing pre registration and if anyone would like to come and help out that would be much appreciated. Past Pre registrations have been slow days, so don’t expect much, but setting up tables, chairs, tents and souvenirs will be happening as well. You don’t have to come the entire time. 

Sunday May 28th RIDE DAY 6:30-10:30ish- all volunteers are asked to show up no later than 6:30am– we will always have last minute set up help needed, parking volunteers should be in place (we ALWAYS have early riders show up) and it’s a good time to grab a coffee and Timbit before the big rush happens. 

Please remember that it is CRAZY busy between 7am-10am ride day- be patient with the riders, and if there is anything, you can always find me at the camper trailer. Never hesitate to come to me to ask questions for any situation that may arise.

Anyone that is able to come to Wolfhead Distillery after we are done at Thunder Road, please do! I always need help. I also need volunteers to stay right after the riders leave to help take down tents, tables, chairs, and pack up. So if you can stay, thank you!! 

One more thing, please try to carpool- we are not allowing any vehicles into any parking lots. There will be a spot for you to park however you will have to walk to the site.

I can’t say this enough, I really appreciate each and everyone of you. Without your help, I couldn’t do this. Your volunteer work goes a long way into helping with prostate cancer research and awareness.

Well, Let’s get this show on the road! I hope to see everyone this Saturday 🙂

Grow On Windsor

Your Support Goes Even Further This #GivingTuesday!
Grow On Windsor 2022 is coming to a close and your support has been incredible. Because of you, the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation can support the purchase of equipment and services to treat men living with cancer right here in our community. Today is #GivingTuesday, and Grow On Windsor’s donation platform, CanadaHelps, is giving an additional 1% boost on all donations made today. 
Give Today, and your support goes even further.

“As a father, teacher, and coach, I was always showing others how to fight and never quit. Lessons I’ve taught others have prepared me for this fight, and fighting cancer is the ultimate fight.”
-Jermaine Jackson, 2022 Grow On Windsor Ambassador. 
Your gift supports Jermaine, and all men living with cancer right here in our community. No one is in this fight alone. We Grow On Together. 
Donate Now & Boost Your Gift

Grow On Windsor Campaign

Please Support Grow On Windsor

Grow On Windsor is a local fundraising campaign created by the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation in 2015. The campaign takes place every November in support of cancer awareness, research and treatment for men living in our region. To date, Grow On Windsor has raised more than $1 million and, most importantly, every dollar raised in this region stays local.

Prostate Cancer Support Windsor/Essex is proud to support Grow On Windsor. Any and all donations are greatfully accepted through our Prostate Cancer Support Windsor/Essex Team Page at this link: 


Grow On Windsor

During the month of November, we are participating in Grow On Windsora fundraising campaign in support of cancer awareness, research and treatment for men living in Windsor/Essex.

Join us as warriors for the cause by pledging your support for this year’s Grow On campaign. 

Your support is appreciated!

Click here to view the team page for Prostate Cancer Support Windsor/Essex
If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:

Thanks to Kingsville Public School!

Our thanks to the students and staff of Kingsville Public School, home of the “Kingsville Cobras”, for their generous donation of the proceeds of their Movember Spirit Day! We will ensure that your funds are put to good use in the local fight against Prostate Cancer. Great job!

Telus Motorcycle Ride for Dad Windsor-Essex 2018

A big Thank You to our WPCSG members who volunteered their time and offered up their donations to support the Telus Motorcycle Ride for Dad, Windsor-Essex, on May 27, 2018. From the Windsor Star:

Motorcycle enthusiasts of all ages hit the open road in Windsor and Essex County Sunday to honour fathers who died of prostate cancer or just to spend some quality time with fathers still living.

More than 500 riders departed from the Riverfront Festival Plaza at about 10 a.m. as part of the 13th annual Telus Ride for Dad. They headed along the Detroit River toward Lasalle and Amherstburg, then through Colchester and on to Leamington before heading up to Comber, then west to Saint Joachim and back to Windsor.

The event has raised more than $600,000 for prostate cancer research and awareness. Last year, $50,000 was donated to fund the cancer-fighting research of Siyaram Pandey at the University of Windsor. This year, $20,000 is being donated to fund fellow university cancer researcher Lisa Porter. “We have treatments today that save lives on a regular basis,” she said.

Windsor Ride For Dad co-chair Sarah White is a cancer survivor. She got involved because she wanted to ensure prostate cancer, which affects 1 in 7 men, gets the same sort of public attention and funding as other cancers.

“I know how important research and awareness is, which is what Ride for Dad is all about,” she said.

Fellow co-chair Shane White said cancer can impact whole families and implored middle-aged men to get checked because early detection is key in the battle against prostate cancer.

“Our message is go and get checked,” said White. “That’s what we’re riding for.”

Mark Beaugrand Memorial Pork Roast Barbeque 2018


On May 26, 2018 several of our members and their spouses/partners/guests attended the Mark Beaugrand Memorial Pork Roast Barbeque, organized and presented by the Stoney Point Lions Club. This popular annual event, held at the Stoney Point Sportmen’s Club, features a fabulous pork roast dinner with all the fixings, as well as a great selection of door prizes and auction items. Funds raised are donated to promote prostate cancer awareness, specifically in support of a free local clinic to facilitate PSA testing for prostate cancer.

The Windsor-Essex Prostate Cancer Support Group was very pleased to accept a cheque in the amount of $2,000 from the Stoney Point Lions Club from this year’s event, bringing their total support in the fight against prostate cancer to an incredible $19,500 since 2012! A job well done!

Cheque Presentation for Prostate Cancer


3 on 3 Hockey Passing Competition

With approval from Principal Mr Dan Laporte, Tournament Organizers Johnny Ulicny 111 and Matt Maggio of Corpus Christi Middle / Brennan Centre of Excellence and Innovation School, held a 3 on 3 hockey passing competition. The competition ran at lunch time for several days on campus all proceeds going for local Prostate Cancer Awareness .


Wayne Zimney, Ian Bentley and Jim Fair except a Cheque for $100 dollars towards our P.S.A. Testing clinics from Johnny and Matt.


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