Mark Beaugrand Memorial Pork Roast Barbeque 2018


On May 26, 2018 several of our members and their spouses/partners/guests attended the Mark Beaugrand Memorial Pork Roast Barbeque, organized and presented by the Stoney Point Lions Club. This popular annual event, held at the Stoney Point Sportmen’s Club, features a fabulous pork roast dinner with all the fixings, as well as a great selection of door prizes and auction items. Funds raised are donated to promote prostate cancer awareness, specifically in support of a free local clinic to facilitate PSA testing for prostate cancer.

The Windsor-Essex Prostate Cancer Support Group was very pleased to accept a cheque in the amount of $2,000 from the Stoney Point Lions Club from this year’s event, bringing their total support in the fight against prostate cancer to an incredible $19,500 since 2012! A job well done!


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