June 18, 2022 Support Group Meeting

Spring Get-Together at the Legion Branch 594

Our summer break is now upon us; as previously mentioned, rather than a traditional Tuesday meeting at the Hospice, we are planning a casual get-together at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 594, 5030 Howard Ave., Oldcastle, ON N9H 0M3 on Saturday, June 18th @ 5 pm.

This licenced venue turned out to be excellent for our Xmas party.  The current plan calls for Burgers/Fries (approx. $15), Sausages/Fries (approx $12.50), and Hotdogs/Fries (approx $10).  In addition, the Steering Committee (SC) members will be bringing pot-luck desserts.  If you have a special dessert you would like to bring, please don’t hesitate to bring it along

We want this event to include members, their families & friends of all ages, and special stakeholders such as our friends at Windsor Regional Hospital (WRH), Cancer Centre Foundation, Hospice, etc.  If you have suggestions on other friends to invite, please let us know.  Also, don’t be shy to invite others directly yourselves.

Please mark your calendars and let us know (winexpcsg@gmail.com) how many guests you plan to bring so that we can make sure the caterer is prepared.

May Monthly Meeting – We welcomed our guest speaker Tim Brady, Pharmacist and Owner of Brady’s Drug Stores in Belle River, Essex and Tilbury.  Tim’s talk was excellent as it covered topics such as the latest medicines related to Prostate Cancer, Incontinence, and Erectile Dysfunction.  As well, he commented on the government of Ontario’s proposal to expand pharmacists’ scope of practice to assess and treat minor ailments. 

Golf Shirts and Baseball Caps – We are investigating ordering Golf Shirts and Baseball Caps with our new logo.  If you are interested in buying shirts or caps, please let us know (winexpcsg@gmail.com) so we can judge how many to order.  It is currently estimated that shirts will cost approx. $25 and hats $15.

Financial Manager – We are still looking for a financial manager to relieve some workload off current SC members.  If you are interested, please let us know.

Webmaster – We are still looking for a webmaster to relieve some workload off current SC members.  If you are interested, please let us know.

Other Volunteers – If there are other areas that you would like to volunteer for, please let us know.   For example, we are interested in having a few folks make periodic phone calls to our members.


Garry W. Loeper

e-mail: gwloeper@gmail.com

cell: (613) 913-4799

Other News of Interest

ADT Educational Program Update

Hello everyone, 

We’re reaching out today with an update on upcoming online classes for the Androgen Deprivation Therapy Educational Program. The next online classes will be held on June 16th, July 18th, and August 17th, all at 3:00 PM Pacific time/ 4:00 PM Mountain time/ 6:00 PM Eastern time. Attached is a copy of our program poster.

As you may recall, the online ADT Educational Program is a free resource to help patients manage ADT side effects and engage in healthy lifestyle behaviours (e.g., physical activity). The program provides support to both prostate cancer patients and their partners or loved ones.   

Classes are offered monthly, and patients are asked to register ahead of time at www.LifeOnADT.com. The class is a one-time, live (90 min.), facilitated webinar. After attending, Canadian patients are mailed a free copy of the ADT book (linked below).   

In 2019, we published research data showing that the ADT Educational Program—i.e., the class plus the book—can significantly raise patients’ self-efficacy in managing ADT side effects. However, it is most effective if taken early, before patients are overwhelmed by side effects.  

If you can, please inform the prostate cancer community about upcoming classes. Questions can be directed to Carly Sears at LifeOnADT@gmail.com.   

Thank you for your ongoing support of the program!

Kind regards,   


On Behalf of Drs. Lauren Walker, Richard Wassersug & John Robinson

 Carly Sears  

Project Coordinator  

Online ADT Educational Program  


Phone: 403-465-2640   

Email: LifeOnADT@gmail.com 

Or carly.sears@ahs.ca 

Prostate Cancer 101 Video

A plain talk discussion of Prostate Cancer featuring Denis in the starring role along with supporting performances by Jim, Don, Wayne, Noel and Greg. Surely worthy of award nominations!

Our thanks to Greg for coordinating and directing, and to Prostate Cancer Canada, Families First, Windsor Mold Group, Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation, WFCU Centre, and Windsor Spitfires for their support and participation.

Please feel free to share.

Mark Beaugrand Memorial Pork Roast Barbeque 2018


On May 26, 2018 several of our members and their spouses/partners/guests attended the Mark Beaugrand Memorial Pork Roast Barbeque, organized and presented by the Stoney Point Lions Club. This popular annual event, held at the Stoney Point Sportmen’s Club, features a fabulous pork roast dinner with all the fixings, as well as a great selection of door prizes and auction items. Funds raised are donated to promote prostate cancer awareness, specifically in support of a free local clinic to facilitate PSA testing for prostate cancer.

The Windsor-Essex Prostate Cancer Support Group was very pleased to accept a cheque in the amount of $2,000 from the Stoney Point Lions Club from this year’s event, bringing their total support in the fight against prostate cancer to an incredible $19,500 since 2012! A job well done!

Cheque Presentation for Prostate Cancer


3 on 3 Hockey Passing Competition

With approval from Principal Mr Dan Laporte, Tournament Organizers Johnny Ulicny 111 and Matt Maggio of Corpus Christi Middle / Brennan Centre of Excellence and Innovation School, held a 3 on 3 hockey passing competition. The competition ran at lunch time for several days on campus all proceeds going for local Prostate Cancer Awareness .


Wayne Zimney, Ian Bentley and Jim Fair except a Cheque for $100 dollars towards our P.S.A. Testing clinics from Johnny and Matt.

Free PSA Testing


Windsor Essex County Prostate Support Group

Free Prostate Specific Antigen Testing Clinic

( P.S.A. Test )


Leamington District Memorial Hospital

Saturday 7th November 2015

9-00 am to 12-00 noon

This Clinic was made possible by a generous donation
from the Stoney Point Lions Club


Message From Prostate Cancer Canada



Today at 12 noon EDT, The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (CTFPHC ) will release guidelines recommending that the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test not be used to screen for prostate cancer based on evidence that shows an increased risk of harm and uncertain benefits. Prostate Cancer Canada disagrees with the recommendations and has launched a full-scale multi-channel campaign to remind Canadians that the benefits of PSA screening far outweigh the negatives.

Hello everyone,

Our campaign website has now launched and you can see it here: www.supportpsatests.ca – please visit to read the material on the site.

And please amplify out to your groups and help advocate for PSA testing!

If you are into social media you may also amplify our social effort as follows:


https://www.facebook.com/prostatecancercanada/posts/792828604098755 (ENGLISH: Like/Share)

https://www.facebook.com/prostatecancercanada/posts/792840924097523 (FRENCH: Like/Share)


https://twitter.com/ProstateCancerC/status/526781635824717824 (ENGLISH: retweet and favourite)

https://twitter.com/ProstateCancerC/status/526783833602269185 (FRENCH: retweet and favourite)



Visit our company page to like and share.



If you have an extra minute, please visit the Global website and cast an online vote on this issue:

http://globalnews.ca/news/1637080/should-you-get-a-prostate-screening-test-new-guidelines-are-against-it/ (scroll to the middle page of the page, and vote ‘No, it’ll help men measure their risk’ in keeping with PCC’s position)

Thank you again for your support and please let me know if you have any questions etc.


Anne Breakey Hart, CVA

Manager, PCCN and Volunteer Engagement | Prostate Cancer Canada

Gestionnaire, Mobilisation des bénévoles | Cancer de la Prostate Canada

T 416-441-2131 ext./poste 229 | E anne.breakeyhart@prostatecancer.ca



2014 P.S.A. Testing Clinic


Essex Guardian Prescription Center
169 Talbot St 
Essex, Ontario
Saturday October 4th 2014
8am to 11am
**Ontario Health Card Required**
The Windsor Essex County Prostate Support Group would like to thank the following :-
Doctor. C. Sheehan
Doctor. D. M. Child
Pharmacist Gregg Charlton
Julie Piccinin
Windsor Gamma Dynacare
Tim Horton’s Essex

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