Tuesday November 8, 2022 Monthly Support Group Meeting at the Hospice (6038 Empress St.):
Our November monthly meeting will be at 7:00 pm on Tuesday 8 November at the Windsor Hospice. For this month, we are very fortunate and pleased to have a presentation by Nancy Hannon, Windsor Regional Hospital (WRH) Social Worker.
Nancy worked at the Windsor Regional Cancer Program for 15 years. She has her Bachelors of Social Work Degree (1990) as well as a Criminology Certificate (1990). Nancy was in Children’s Mental Health for 16 years prior to the Cancer program. She currently supports both out-patient patients and their families as well as patient’s in the Out-Patient Palliative Clinic. Nancy is an active member of the Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) Caregiver Support Committee as well as Cancer Care Ontario Sexual Health Committee and she supports patients and their partners with their sexual health needs.
Nancy will provide an overview of social work services within the cancer program, how to refer, how the social work program supports patient’s/families and caregivers and the importance of emotional, psychological and sexual support. She will bring pamphlets and a resource for those that wish to take one. The Hospice venue is again available to us for this upcoming meeting. Masks are no longer required, we just ask that all participants sign in when they enter the building (sign-in is in the entryway). COVID screening forms are not needed at this time. If possible, please bring snacks as we have done in the past.
Future Planned Monthly Meetings
Don’t forget that our December holiday party will be at Royal Canadian Legion Branch 594 (Howard Ave.) on Tuesday 13 December, which is coincident with that Legion’s bi-weekly $10 all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner. This turned out to be a great venue last year. The Legion cordoned off our own hall and many members brought pot-luck desserts. So please mark it on your calendars and start baking goodies for the event. If you plan to go, please let us know so that we can get an idea of numbers.
For the upcoming 2023 winter meetings (February to May) the following doctors have indicated a desire to meet with us and provide a presentation:
Dr. Igor Gaisinsky (Diagnostic Radiology);
Dr. Jonathan Peng (Radiation Oncologist); and
Dr. Ryan McLarty (Urologist), who is new to Windsor.
If there are other ideas you have for presentations, please let us know.
2022 Grow-On Campaign
The Grow-On Windsor 2022 campaign kicked off last Friday and continues through the month of November. Our team site is now set up and can be accessed at this link:
We would be pleased to have as many of you as possible as team members to spread the word to your family, friends and associates. Simply follow the above link and click on the “Join This Team” button.
If needed, Jim Fair can help if you run into any issues.
Awareness Presentations to Companies and Organizations – We have been giving awareness presentations to various organizations (VistaPrint, Royal Canadian Legion, CARP, etc.). If you are aware of any company or organization who might be interested in having us join a Health & Wellness presentation, please let us know. Thanks to Murray, Greg, Jim L., Guy, Noel, Brian, Don, Jim F. and Garry for helping out with these awareness activities. We have a good supply of our new brochures. Please pick up some at the November meeting to take with you to your medical professional appointments.

Hockey Games – We recently manned awareness booths at the LaSalle Vipers and the Lakeshore Canadiens hockey games and will be manning an awareness booth at the Windsor Spitfires game (12 November). Thanks to Wayne, Garry and Jim for your help. If you are interested in participating, please let us know.
Golf Shirts and Baseball Caps – Golf Shirts and Baseball Caps with our new logo are available to order. If you are interested in buying shirts ($30) or caps ($20), please let us know. Prices include all taxes and shipping costs.
Prostate Cancer Support Canada 2022 Virtual Conference – You can view recordings of the presentations and download any available slides by visiting this link: https://mailchi.mp/prostatecancersupport/2022pcvcday1.
Membership and Volunteers – If you are aware of other potential new members, please let us know. We would also welcome women and others who are not survivors but who want to help. If there are other areas that you would like to volunteer for, please let us know. Please get involved!!!!
Garry W. Loeper, CD, MScEng, PCIP, PMP, PEng
e-mail: gwloeper@gmail.com
cell: (613) 913-4799