No Support Group Meeting In February
Tuesday February 14th – Happy Valentine’s Day! Our usual evening meeting will be canceled so that everyone can spend the evening with someone special in their life.
A message from Garry:
Hello All
Your Steering Committee hopes that everyone is doing well and had a great Holiday Season as well as enjoying the relatively mild winter so far. The nasty stuff is knocking on our door this week.
Guy Jolin
First of all, we want to pass on that our dear friend, Guy Jolin, is currently going through a difficult time and is hospitalized at Hotel-Dieu. Guy has been with our group for many many years and is a valued member of your Steering Committee. Our thoughts are with him and his wonderful wife Joannie. If anyone would like to connect with Guy, he would welcome any text messages at 519-981-8215. You can also contact us if you want some information such as how to best communicate with Guy.
Winter Program
We wanted to give everyone a quick update on our winter program changes and plans. Most importantly is our decision to NOT have a February membership meeting. We did not take this decision lightly; however our feedback to date has concluded that there will be minimal attendance due to many members being away, enjoying southern climates, as well as many who would prefer more romantic endeavors on Valentines Day. Weather is always a wild card for travel to a February meeting. In addition, our winter program is planning to attract Urologists and Radiologists as speakers; after our long COVID pause, we want to make sure there is maximum participation for these respected presenters.
Please take advantage of any or all of the upcoming programs offered online by Prostate Cancer Support Canada. Check out details below or follow this link:
It is our plan to have our next meeting on Tuesday 14 March at the Hospice. We are working hard to try and have this meeting as a hybrid ZOOM meeting. This would allow those in attendance at Hospice to enjoy real person interaction (and Noel’s banana bread), but also to allow out of town folks, and others not able to attend, to participate.
In the meantime, please continue to provide us with suggestions on how to improve our program.

As we move into the new year, we look back with gratitude and look forward with excitement. We can’t wait to continue working with you – our incredible community – to improve and expand the support that we provide to prostate cancer patients and their loved ones across Canada. As always, if you have suggestions, comments, or questions about any of our services, please feel free to reach out. |
Have your grandkids for the weekend and want to keep them busy? Or do you or someone you know enjoy drawing, painting, creating, or designing? We need your help to design the Father’s Day Walk/Run’s 25th anniversary T-shirt! Please submit your creation to Nicole (nicole@prostatecancerbc.ca) by Thursday, January 26th. ![]() |

Prostate cancer affects both partners in a relationship. This support group offers a safe space for caregivers and loved ones to share their experiences, triumphs, and concerns.
Check out the Partners in Prostate forum where you can chat with other partners 24/7.
Register now

Coast to Coast Prostate Cancer Support Group TUESDAY, JAN 31ST, 2023 11AM PST (2PM EST) |

TUESDAY, JAN 31ST, 2023 |
PCS Toronto welcomes Dr. Andrew J. Evans, Chief of Pathology at Mackenzie Health who will be speaking on ‘Understanding Gleason Scores and Pathology Reports.’This presentation will cover the processing of prostate needle core biopsies and radical prostatectomy specimens and how pathologists establish a histologic diagnosis of prostate cancer.

WEDNESDAY, FEB 8TH, 2023 | 4PM PST (7PM EST) This group welcomes men and their loved ones dealing with prostate cancer that has spread, that no longer responds to ADT, or is high risk. Advanced prostate cancer patients deal with unique issues. Come for the information, stay for the support. New attendees are given priority to share. For immediate support, check out the Advanced Prostate Cancer forum where you can chat with other partners 24/7. |

THURSDAY, FEB 9TH, 2023 | 4:30PM PST (7:30PM EST) This group offers support and information to men looking into active surveillance as a non-invasive treatment option for their low- or intermediate-risk prostate cancer. Learn more about how active surveillance works and why it’s not the same as just ‘avoiding treatment.’ |
Register now |

TUESDAY, FEB. 28TH, 2023 |
11 AM PST (2 PM EST)
Following Justin Lorentz’s presentation will be an opportunity for Q&A and support group discussion.
Register now