Mitch Mason
July 01 1936 – September 19 2022
We are sad to learn of the passing of Mitch Mason, a founder of our group in 1994. Mitch served as Chairperson from 1998 to 2013 and devoted almost 30 years to helping others cope with, and navigate, their journey with prostate cancer. He remained an active member of your Steering Committee until recently, when he was afflicted with a significant non-prostate related medical issue. He will be missed, but we will cherish our fond memories.
Mitch passed away peacefully at the age of 86 surrounded by his family. He will be forever missed by his loving wife Marian of 63 years. Loving father to sons Jerry and Jeff (Linda), grandfather to Trevor and Jacob, brother to Bernice (Russ), Walter (Katie), Helen (Rod), brother-in-law to Jerry (Marion). Predeceased by his loving parents Andrija and Ljubica Masanovich. Mitch will always be remembered for his outgoing personality and friendliness. Mitch worked for Weltronic and later for Centerline Welding where he thoroughly enjoyed calling on customers. He belonged to Club 55 and Prostate Cancer Support Windsor/Essex, was an avid sports fan, enjoyed exercising, and played AKO football.
A private Memorial Service will be taking place at WINDSOR CHAPEL (Central), thoughts and condolences can be made online at www.windsorchapel.com. Donations can be made to the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation in memory of Mitch.
Tuesday October 11, 2022 Monthly Support Group Meeting at the Hospice (6038 Empress St.):
The Hospice venue is again available to us for this upcoming October meeting following an unforeseen staff issue that impacted last month’s meeting. Masks are no longer required, we just ask that all participants sign in when they enter the building (sign-in is in the entry way). COVID screening forms are not needed at this time. If possible, please bring snacks as we have done in the past.
This month’s speaker will be Jackie McCreary who is a cancer survivor and whose husband is a prostate cancer survivor.
She has given the talk many times: “How to Effectively Communicate with Your Healthcare Provider, (HCP),” which focuses on the rights AND responsibilities of the “patient.” The HCP could be a physician, pharmacist, chiropractor, naturopath, specialist etc.
It is filled with tips and hints as to how to navigate the health care system, advocating for yourself, feeling empowered and learning better communication skills.
Jackie was an Obstetrical nurse at Met Hospital working Labour/Delivery and Postpartum. From there she developed her own business educating women/ couples prenatally and postnatally. As well she did labour coaching and taught a children’s prenatal class & pre/postnatal exercise classes. She also was involved in many homebirths.
Jackie authoured the book “Food for Life, and for Thought” (Information and recipes for the Pregnant Family)
She owned a Gift, Card & Wig Boutique, From the Heart, for 32 years servicing hundreds of women going through chemotherapy and needing hair replacement.
Jackie experienced cancer requiring surgery but it was determined that she did not need further treatment with chemotherapy. Until that was determined, however, she felt the many concerns and fears that come along with a cancer diagnosis.
We look forward to this presentation that should directly benefit those attending, but should also be equally valuable to arm those of us who may encounter those newly diagnosed who are dealing with the medical system.
Remaining Fall Program – Nancy Hannon, who is the Windsor Regional Hospital (WRH) Cancer Program Social Worker, will be presenting to us in November. It is our current thought to again have our December Christmas Party at Legion 594, which coincides with their spaghetti night on Tuesday 13 December. This worked out well last year. Please mark that in your calendars and let us know your thoughts. If you have ideas for presentations for the winter months, please let us know.
Awareness Presentations to Companies and Organizations – Garry Loeper has be giving awareness presentations to various organizations. If you are aware of any company or organization who might be interested in having a presentation, please let us know.

Hockey Games – We recently manned an awareness booth at the LaSalle Vipers hockey game and will be manning an awareness booth at Lakeshore Canadiens (28 October) and the Windsor Spitfires (12 November). If you are interested in participating, please let us know.
VistaPrint Health and Wellness Fair – We recently manned an awareness booth at the VistaPrint Health and Wellness Fair on 23 September.
Legion 594 Health and Wellness Fair – We will be manning an awareness both at Legion 594 (Howard Ave) on 23 October.
More Community Awareness Events – Please let us know if you have ideas for us to promote ourselves at other sports events, company health and wellness fairs, fundraising campaigns, and other community events, etc. We need to get the word out and we need your help!!!
Golf Shirts and Baseball Caps – We are ordering Golf Shirts and Baseball Caps with our new logo. If you are interested in buying shirts or caps, please let us know. Shirts will cost $30 and hats $20.
Prostate Cancer Support Canada – Jim Fair recently attended the 2022 Prostate Cancer Support Canada Virtual Conference, which was excellent. You may view recordings of the presentations and download any available slides by visiting this link: https://mailchi.mp/prostatecancersupport/2022pcvcday1.
Financial Manager – We are still looking for a financial manager to relieve some workload off current SC members. If you are interested, please let us know.
Webmaster – We are still looking for a webmaster to relieve some workload off current SC members. If you are interested, please let us know.
Membership and Volunteers – If you are aware of other potential new members, please let us know. We would also welcome women and others who are not survivors but who want to help. If there are other areas that you would like to volunteer for, please let us know. As our networking campaign gains momentum, we will need more horsepower. These are exciting times as we emerge from COVID stagnation!!!! Please get involved!!!!
Garry W. Loeper, CD, MScEng, PCIP, PMP, PEng
e-mail: gwloeper@gmail.com
cell: (613) 913-4799