For our May 2021 Support Group Meeting, we’re pleased to join together with our friends at Prostate Cancer Network Ottawa to share in their monthly meeting, Thursday May 20, 2021 at 7:00 PM by ZOOM. Please note that this is a departure from our usual “second Tuesday” meeting for this month only.
The featured presenter is Meghan McInnis, M.Sc., from the Sexual Health Research Lab (Department of Psychology) at Queen’s University. She will discuss research findings on mental and sexual wellbeing in individuals diagnosed with prostate cancer. Originally from Ottawa, Meghan is a Clinical Psychology Ph.D. candidate at Queen’s University. She is conducting her graduate research in the Sexual Health Research Lab, under the supervision of Dr. Caroline Pukall. Her Master’s thesis was an investigation of the experiences of individuals diagnosed with prostate cancer, including their health-related quality of life, sexual outcomes, mental health, social support, and healthcare experiences. Meghan is also a co-founder of QueeringCancer.ca.
Please register in advance for this meeting using the following link:
https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcqce-trDopH9yX5KyQfuQcXt4–kWXB05h After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Hope to see you on May 20th @ 7 p.m.