For our March 10, 2020 Support Group Meeting, we were pleased to welcome our Guest Speaker, Lisa A. Porter, Ph.D. Professor, University of Windsor and Director, WE-SPARK Health Institute.
Dr. Porter received her Ph.D. in medical sciences from McMaster University, followed by a post-doctoral fellowship in chemistry & biochemistry from the University of California San Diego. She joined the University of Windsor in 2004 as a Canadian Institutes of Health Research New Investigator.
Her research program covers many aspects of understanding how cancer begins and progresses to an aggressive, drug resistant state. The goal is finding new more effective therapies for patients.
Dr. Porter described their research, focused on finding more effective ways to detect the progression of prostate cancer and treat aggressive, drug resistant stages of the disease.

Dr. Porter was also a founding director of the Windsor Cancer Research Group and this more recently has grown into a bone fide Health Research Institute, WE-SPARK Health Institute, to serve the needs of Windsor-Essex.
She included a few slides to introduce the goals of WE-SPARK Health Institute and how this will benefit our Windsor-Essex community.