After our February 2019 Support Group Meeting was cancelled due to poor weather conditions, we were very grateful that Stacey Dusik agreed to join us as the speaker for our March 2019 Support Group Meeting. Stacey is the Operations Manager of the OR and PACU at Windsor Regional Hospital, Met Campus. Stacey has been in a management role at Met campus for the last 4 years. She was involved in the development of the DaVinci robotic surgery program at WRH Met campus. She was able to work with the surgeons, nurses, Cancer Centre, Men’s Health Program and Intuitive (robotics company) to develop a robotic surgery program for the community of Windsor/Essex County. Previous to her roles at WRH, Stacey was at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan. Her role was that of a first assistant and assisted Urologists in over 3,000 robotic surgery cases. Recently, Stacey was able to successfully complete her Master of Nursing Leadership at the University of Windsor.