TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2021, 5:30 PM

We had a well-attended November meeting; we hope everyone enjoyed the excellent presentation by Dr. Lisa Porter and Dr. John Trant. We look forward to an equally interesting and enjoyable winter program for 2022 and now that Remembrance Day is behind us, we can focus on our annual Christmas Party. Unfortunately, COVID restrictions preclude us from having our traditional pot-luck party at the Hospice this year, so the Steering Committee has come up with an exciting Plan B.

Our Christmas party is now planned for a 5:30pm start on Tuesday 14 December 2021 at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 594 located at 5030 Howard Ave.; this coincides with that Legion’s bi-weekly spaghetti dinner. This dinner costs $10/person and normally runs from 4:30pm to 6:30pm; it includes all-you-can-eat spaghetti, salad and a bun. The Legion will segregate part of the hall for our members and they will let us remain and enjoy the hall after the dinner has finished and everyone else has left. Here are some of the advantages of this venue, which is a nice new and cheerful building:
- There will be no cost for the hall rental assuming a sufficient number of members attend the spaghetti dinner starting at 5:30pm;
- The $10/person cost for the dinner is reasonable;
- There will be a bar with bartender on duty;
- The hall will be nicely decorated with Xmas decorations and music; and
- The Legion will allow our members to bring potluck desserts;
The Steering Committee hopes that you also find this plan to be equally exciting. In order to assure success, we would like to know the following:
- Numbers of members and guests who plan to attend;
- Who will be bringing desserts; and
- Any suggestions that would make this event memorable.

We need to know if you’re coming.
Please e-mail us (winexpcsg@gmail.com) or contact any of our Steering Committee members; their contact information can be found on our website (www.wpcsg.com/steering-committee/).
For the dinner, there will be Legion volunteers screening COVID proofs of vaccination at the main entrance. There will also be a Steering Committee member with the Legion volunteers at the hall entrance to greet our members.